FREE BUSINESS VALUATION by number1businessbroker_iqj61k | Jun 10, 2019 FREE BUSINESS VALUATION Gross Revenue last 12 months Gross Revenue last 12 monthsUnder $1million$1 Million to $4 Million$4 Million to $10 Million$10 Million to $20 Million$20 Million + Net profit last 12 months Net profit last 12 monthsUnder $100,000$100,001 - $350,000$350,001 - $650,000$650,001 - $1.5 Million$1.5 Million+ Ideal timeline for selling your business? Ideal timeline for selling your business?I want to sell right now!I want to sell in the next 6 monthsI want to sell in the next 1-2 yearsI want to sell in the next 2-5 years Continue to Step 2
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